Wednesday, January 02, 2008

I took yesterday as a rest/recovery day (the third day of a 1500-mile drive and the morning after a wine binge--man, I hate wine hangovers); today is the day of reflection and beginning anew.  And, after 365 days of 2007, I find myself in one familiar spot:

I am a fat broken record.  (For those of you unfamiliar with the concept of "broken record", replace that reference with "scratched CD".)  I looked back at my five resolutions for the year, and I didn't accomplish ANY of them.

#1--Weight loss.  I had planned to reach my ultimate weight loss goal in the past year and find myself at 150 lbs.  Ha.  I weighed in this morning at 193.  While that's pretty bad, I had actually expected it to be worse, with a Christmas dinner involving turkey, ham, AND prime rib (the carnivore in me rejoiced, but the self-restraint in me wept).  I had even reduced the amount of exercise I got by just letting the dog run loose (my husband's theory when we first let him out on the first day we were there was "Well, we've got a week to catch him"--but he actually did really well; when there was no one chasing him, he got bored and started even coming in when we called him) so I didn't have to walk him at all.  My physical tests for the week included an hour of ice skating and a few hours of skiing.  Not very impressive.  I don't know if I can reach 150 lbs this year.  Instead, I just need to get back on the weight loss track.  I'd like to be back down around 180 by the time spring break rolls around in March, but we'll see.

#2--Exercise.  I was supposed to be making it to the gym daily last year, and making my morning workouts at least three times a week.  Uh huh.  Didn't even come close.  So I need to get back on it.  Can't lose weight if I don't work out.

#3--Grading.  I didn't stay quite as caught-up as I was supposed to, but on the whole I did OK.  I just need to hang on and stay as caught-up as I can.  

#4--Blogging.  I didn't blog as often as I intended, but then again, I just don't always have much to blog about.  I'll try to be more interesting.  

#5--Organization.  I'm still hideously disorganized.  I need to get better because my husband deserves better at home, and because I'm now sharing my classroom for one class period each day with my department head.  I need to at least make it look good, right?

So anyway, here I go again.  I need to get back on it, for sure.  Stay tuned...

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