Tuesday, January 08, 2008

One thing that I find somewhat disheartening with my weight is the wide fluctuations I see day to day.  For example, I had mentioned my hope that, from my weigh-in during the weekend, I might be in the 180's sometime this week, since I was down at 190.  Yesterday morning that hope was shaken when I weighed in at 193.  But today, after no appreciable exercise or anything yesterday, I weighed in down at 190 again.  Is it just water weight?  How can that be if I take daily blood pressure medication?  Is it just food weight?  I always to try weigh in after my "morning constitutional" so to speak, so it shouldn't really be food weight.  So what is it?  It's just frustrating, because a big drop like this (almost three pounds for those of you who are mathematically challenged) gets my hopes up, only to be dashed the next day when I gain back the same weight (give or take a little).  I guess, despite my giggling at yesterday's Cathy comic strip (see yesterday's post), I need to go back to charting my weekly averages on a spreadsheet so I can see if there is an overall drop in average from week to week, since apparently following just day to day isn't going to give me any real idea of my progress.

1 comment:

iamhoff said...

I say use My Fitness Pal to track it.

Even if you don't go to the trouble of entering in all of your food or physical activity, just log in once a day and add your weight in. From that, they'll let you calculate reports for 7, 30, 90, and 180 day periods, showing a variety of results.