Sunday, January 27, 2008

Boy, isn't that the truth?

I get these catalogues in the mail, Title Nine and Athleta chief among them, that contain athletic wear and active wear for women. The clothing sold by these companies is intended for women with "active lifestyles", you know, women with interesting and powerful jobs who then have time in the afternoons to go out for a quick ski/mountain bike ride/surf/rock climb/marathon. All of the women in these catalogues are trim, toned, perky, athletic, and purely capable of running a board meeting in a skort. These are the women I would like to be. But as the cartoon above suggests, all of these clothes the women in these catalogues wear are designed for women who ALREADY LOOK LIKE THAT. Where are the cute, sassy, mildly-granola-earthy clothes for those of us who are pudgy, rounded, slouchy, and unlikely to have the opportunity to frolic in the surf in the afternoons?

My goal is to someday resemble a woman who could theoretically be featured in one of these catalogues, even if I can't scamper out for a quick run down a volcano before dinnertime.

1 comment:

iamhoff said...

Oh don't sell yourself're a tremendous slouch!

Seriously, that kind of stuff is crazy. Not that different for the guys, too. Either they get the skinny, coke-head Euro-trash boys with a waist about the size of my thigh, or they find the buffest, most toned individual they can find who fills out the "athletic cut" shirts and pants in such a way as to define their musculature without making the clothes seem too tight or small. Punks. Kenneth Cole, Armani, and Guess are some of the worst!