Friday, January 04, 2008

It's nice to know that just returning to some semblance of routine that doesn't involve eating huge amounts every four hours or so can help my weight.  Even though I've only hit the gym once so far (heading out this afternoon to meet up with hubby at the gym), my weight has gone from 193.0 on Jan. 2 to 190.6 this morning.  Cutting back on candy and desserts is probably a big part of this weight loss.  The problem is, we brought all the candy and desserts back with us.  Both of us got candy in our stockings: 3 lbs of M&Ms, Dove candy bars and nuggets, Hersey's Kisses of various flavors, a movie-theatre-sized box of Reese's Pieces, candy canes, you name it.  How to balance eating the stuff (because God forbid we actually throw it away; there are starving kids in Africa, dontcha know) and not going crazy on it.  We'll see.  

The other factor that may weigh in (ha ha, see what I did there) when it comes to our weight loss progress is going to be one of the Christmas presents, namely a BREAD MACHINE.  We received one when we got married, and we used it so much we wore it out and killed it.  We've been home for three days and I'm already making loaf number 2 because we've almost finished number 1.  Anybody know a good bread machine recipe for a low-carb/low-calorie bread loaf?

Next week will be a complete return to normalcy for me since school and swim practice will be starting back up.  I'll start making my morning workouts beginning Monday, and I'll try to work out every afternoon in one form or another (either the gym, the pool, some weights in my classroom, or the new walking program some of the teachers are starting).  Fingers crossed; I'd love to be back down in the 180's next week!


iamhoff said...

Good to see that you're getting back in the groove of things. Bread is eeeeevilllllll. But oh so yummy. Good luck on finding such a recipe. Also, how did you stumble across my Car blog? I saw your comment there today (1/9) and was surprised to say the least. Pleased, but surprised.

River Driver said...

If I go to your profile, it shows all the blogs you have...