Monday, June 02, 2008

The first couple of weeks, I actually did pretty well with my eating and working out. I managed to drop a few pounds, and even weighed in under 190. Then, I hit the last week of school. I had lots of grading to do, with research papers and exams. I was up late grading and up again early, but not to work out. I didn't work out before school because I was grading until it was time to go to school. In the afternoons I stayed at school as long as I could to grade, then came home. We had company all week, so it meant no working out at night, because they'd been at home all day long while we were at work. It also meant food. We cooked big meals at home and went out a few times too.

Then the weekend came. We did our annual family camping trip. While there was exercise involved (two days of flat-water paddling plus lots of running around the campground with my nieces), there was also food. Or more appropriately, FOOD. Something about the great outdoors makes you want to eat. Food tastes really good in the outdoors. And, you've worked up an appetite from all the activities. Finally, add in the fact that there is nowhere to put leftovers, so you hear the family battle cry of "Finish it up" after you've already had two servings. And of course, the food is the good, hot, hearty kind, with lots of meat, cheese, potatoes, bacon, creamy sauces...OK, now I'm hungry again.

Then last week I spent all my time either in meetings for the end of the school year or packing up my classroom, as well as going out to eat with coworkers. I just didn't feel like working out. Bad, I know.

So it all boils down to a slight weight gain. I'm still down overall from my initial weigh-in, but I'm back at 191 after SWEARING that my weigh-in at 189 would be the breakthrough I was looking for. Meh.

The GOOD thing now, though, is that I've officially started my summer, and I'm really going to try incorporating some things that I haven't done in a while. I'm going to try to run around the neighborhood a few mornings a week, and swim at the gym the other mornings (minimizing driving and gas and all that crap). Maybe once or twice a week I'll take my skates or boat or dog up to the big nature park in Memphis. I'm also going to try using my mountain bike to run whatever errands (small shopping trips etc) in town, and not drive up to Southaven so often. This whole gas thing is ridiculous anyway.

So hopefully with the exercise and some better eating, I may be able to get back on track. We'll see.


iamhoff said...

For me, it's typically "one little day" that does me in. For you, it was a whole catastrophic chain of fail. But you survived. You've got time. You've got a plan. Corpulent Diem! Seize the fat! (Maybe Carpe Diet works better). Take advantage of the time you have, and good luck leetle seester.

River Driver said...

I'd like to seize the fat and suck it out, but I can't afford liposuction. Being at home and resisting the snacking urge is a whole different problem. I need to be stranded on a deserted island.

iamhoff said...

In response to your quiz...

-They call me, Tooka Chinchilla.
-Really? What does it mean?
-Fluffy Bunny Feet.

Ironically, I was just thinking about that movie last night. Stellar flick!