Thursday, June 12, 2008

Just a quick "Yay me!" because I've got a lot to do in the next few hours--we're going camping. My last post was one of frustration and disappointment because I've had some backsliding lately. But this week has been quite the turn-around. I made my best workout record so far--five days, and three of them multiple-workout days. And, I ate pretty well for the week, which made for the ultimate combination of a 4+ pound weight loss for the week! Yay! I must have been a real slug the past few weeks to have such a good weight loss this week and such horrible gains/non-losses the previous weeks.

But now for one of my tests--we're leaving for a camping trip this afternoon, and as I've mentioned before, camping seems to bring out the worst in my eating, regardless of how much physical activity I get. So we'll see if I can duplicate my success. We'll find out Monday morning...

1 comment:

iamhoff said...

Congrats! Now find a way to keep up those efforts. Remember what you did, and more importantly what you didn't do, and keep repeating.

Have fun camping. Me and DAPGF are taking Dad out for dinner on Sunday. Watched some of the US Open. Given that it's only a mile from Casa de Hoff, it sure would've been cool to be there, but I got to watch much better camera angles on TV whilst at the bar consuming adult beverages and raw, dead fish (aka sushi). After they're all gone from Torrey Pines, I'll have to get out there and play a round. Something tells me I'm not going to do quite as well as Senor Tigger.