Thursday, June 05, 2008

Well, I'm a bit disappointed in myself. I've now had two straight weeks of backsliding, after three solid weeks of weight loss. I've gained back half of the 6 pounds I had dropped. I'm definitely frustrated, because this past week was much better about working out than the previous two had been. I think the biggest obstacle to my weight loss is not really the exercise at all, but the eating. I'm still not good about my portion control, and staying at home for most of the day I find myself grazing all day long. I've tried chewing gum when I get the urge to snack, but all that's done is burn through one of those "big pack" containers of gum in a week and give me a raging headache. I still find myself rummaging through the cabinets. I can't decide which is worse: having snacks in the house to eat, or not having any at all, which causes me to pull out and make things that aren't really snacks and end up eating too much.

Anyway, I'm not really sure what to do about the snacking thing. I try to get out of the house, but the Southern summer with it's 90+ degree and 95+ humidity doesn't make that much fun. And of course forget the driving with gas being what it is right now. My husband is driving the more efficient vehicle to work now, since I really don't have many long-distance errands to run, which leaves me with the gas-guzzling pickup. I want to be as green as I can be, which means leaving the truck in the driveway. Maybe I've got a little cabin fever in the middle of the summer, I don't know.

So, I have a few things to work on. Portion control and snacking. I'm five weeks down in my fifteen-week summer experiment, and I haven't even managed a pound a week. Need to buckle down, or I won't have much of a shopping spree at the end of the summer (and I won't need one because all the "fat" clothes will still fit).

1 comment:

iamhoff said...

You've got the same problem I do...gas guzzling vehicle. No, wait. Food guzzling appetite. Recognizing the problem is step one. Figuring out how to control it is a whole other story. Stay busy doing things that preclude eating. Reading, as much enjoyment as that brings, is a no-no because it is too easy to dip the hand into the Doritos bag and keep munching (first hand experience, fwiw). Likewise watching TV. Playing something like GH may be a safe alternative, because you can't nibble if you're too busy trying to hit the buttons for Metallica. Riding a bike (do you even own one?) or some other such activity. Yes I know it's hella hot and humid, but it's your own damn fault for still being there instead of someplace like, oh, I don't know, Boise, where the temperature is in the mid-60s and the humidity is in the low 40s. If you're going to munch, find stuff that will take some effort and/or not bring a lot of calories. Carrots that you have to cut and peel. Beef jerky. Peanuts that you have to shell. Order some pizza, nuke it in the microwave to get it super hot, and take a big bite. You'll burn the roof of your mouth and not want to eat anything for a while (again, just a thought). Good luck with that.