Thursday, June 19, 2008

Boy, just a reminder of how progress can be undone by just one indiscretion. It was looking to be a good week. I had a pretty surprising nearly two-pound drop on the last day of the week, which seemed like nothing but good news going into this morning's weigh-in. However, I probably should have questioned why I had such a large weight drop on a day that I didn't do anything particularly special (I did play boatball, a kind of waterpolo in kayaks, for about an hour and a half, which really wasn't enough to justify a loss that big); it probably meant that I was perhaps dehydrated and had some water loss. Anyway, maybe if I'd worked really hard yesterday I might have kept the loss for my weekly weigh-in this morning and gotten some cash out of it. Instead, we went to the local Chinese buffet for dinner last night. Chinese, along with Mexican, seems to be the absolute WORST thing that I can possibly eat when it comes to my weight. Even pizza and pasta don't have the effect that Chinese and Mexican seem to. I think it is the high salt content of the foods--I suspect I retain quite a bit of water when I consume them. Plus, the Chinese buffet is just an open invitation to eat way too much anyway. And the sauces, while being salty, are also high in sugar, which certainly doesn't help. So the ultimate result of the week, instead of being an almost two-pound drop, was a .2 pound GAIN. I gained two entire pounds in one night. Now, whether that was just because of the water or if I actually DID manage to lose and then gain two pounds in just two days' time, I don't know. But it sure turned what looked like a good week into a major disappointment.

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