Saturday, February 21, 2009

Sort of shot myself in the foot last night, er, stomach I guess. After my most excellent weigh-in yesterday morning of 195, I went out and celebrated by indulging in a Chinese buffet. Chinese food is probably tied with Mexican food for the most destructive to my weight-loss goal. With Mexican food, it's all the fats and oils (and chips); with Chinese food, it's probably a toss-up between the sheer volume (I mean, it is a buffet for goodness' sake; you're supposed to eat all you can) and the salts that make me retain water. So this morning's weigh-in was 197.2, a much less enjoyable moment than yesterday. Guess it's back to the gym to undo what I've done. *sigh*

1 comment:

iamhoff said...

Chinese buffets are EVIL. EEEE-VILLL!!! Avoid them at all costs! And you just illustrated one of my problems (hopefully) in the past: make some progress and feel that I should reward myself with something completely indulgent. Yes, I understand the idea of rewarding yourself. But a Chinese buffet to a dieter is comparable to someone who's going through drug rehab and decides to celebrate 30 days sober by doing an eight-ball. Just say no!