Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I think one of the biggest reasons I don't blog regularly is that I have nothing new to say. I am in such a horrible rut. I worked out ONE DAY last week (as I mentioned). The rest of the week just faded into nothingness. Tuesday was our anniversary so we went out instead of hitting the gym. Wednesday we went, as our big anniversary gift to each other, to a really nice restaurant called Texas de Brazil, a place we've only eaten once before, because it's so expensive. Well, as I've described previously, it's basically an orgy of meat. So, no dieting there. Blew off the gym Thursday because I needed to prepare to be out of town for the weekend. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday involved some physical activity (rafting and kayaking) but also some eating out at restaurants. Too tired yesterday recovering from the weekend to work out. So I've gone a whole week with no gym. Stupid, stupid, stupid. The scale definitely shows it; highest weight in a long time this morning (187). So, I'm headed to the gym now. If I can just break out of this slump, I might be able to start making it all a habit again. A good habit, instead of the bad one I've developed.

1 comment:

iamhoff said...

I know with your teaching schedule and fugly commute that it's difficult to get into the gym routine. But you gotta do it! Make it a habit. Either wait for your hubby (happy anniversary, btw, I know you got the card and gift) or just go on your own, but get something going. Personally, once I get home after work it is beyond difficult to get motivated to go back out and head for the gym. That's why I make it a point to stop at the gym on my way home. Before I've succumbed to either the draw of the sofa or the draw of the computer. Just don't question anything and make the gym time as inflexible as work. You have to do it...no questions. Then you actually can get it done. I know, easier said than done, but it is possible. Good luck and keep blogging. Otherwise I'll never hear how things are going :)