Monday, April 20, 2009

Today is the second anniversary of the death of my mother, from cancer. I'm very thankful that I was there. My mother was going in for surgery to remove more cancer (she'd had another surgery three years before), and she and my dad had downplayed the situation and told me I didn't have to come home for the surgery. Well, I didn't listen to them, and immediately got plane tickets to go home for the weekend. I can't imagine if I hadn't gone home. As horrible as it was to sit in the hospital and hear the doctor tell us my mother was gone, it would have been so much worse to have been at work all day, away from a phone (since I'm a teacher), and have gotten the news that afternoon when school got out. My dad probably would have called my husband, and my husband probably would have come to the school to tell me the news. I just can't imagine how that would have felt, knowing I hadn't seen her one last time. Thank God I went home, and got to hug her, and kiss her, and say good-bye to her as they wheeled her off to surgery.

So please, hug your loved ones and tell them you love them. You never know when it will be your last chance to do so.


iamhoff said...

I'm glad you made it out here for that too. You just never know. Although I still think Mom knew more than she let on to all of us, as to how bad things were. Sigh.

Smithee said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. I remember reading Hoff's blog soon after it happened. I still send out good vibes to both of you whenever I think of my aunt, whom we lost a little over 8 years ago to cancer. I'm glad you got to be there with her.