Monday, March 16, 2009


Back from my kayaking trip, first day back from Spring Break, time for a report.


On the weight issue, I mentioned my failure last week on the drive to eastern Tennessee. My target weight for last week was 185. My actual weight was almost 200. Despite my protestations, I simply couldn't get my act together. Rarely hit the gym, rarely followed a coherent eating plan, and it certainly showed.

On the "hoping to move" issue, we're still here. At this point, we're glad to at least have jobs, as so many others have lost theirs. It's a bad time to be looking to make a change, so we're still in a bit of a holding pattern. Still looking, but we figure it may take a little while. We don't really want to buy a house here, as it will just tie us down, and while moving into a nicer rental would be great it probably would cost us more each month, thereby cutting into the money we're trying to save. So I guess we'll just stay in our current house and make the best of it.

On the kayaking front, this past weekend was not what I had hoped for. Part of it is my weight--I'm over the maximum weight for my boat, which makes it harder to handle--and part of it is my own mental weirdness, but I've really regressed in my paddling. A few summers ago (aligning with my lightest weight since starting to kayak, interestingly enough) I was feeling good about my abilities and kind of psyching myself up to step up to harder rivers. Since then, I've chickened out on more than a few trips, I've had some swims on some rivers that I had plenty of experience on and hadn't struggled with before, and my eskimo roll seems to have some consistency issues.

So I have a lot to work on. My new goal is to have dealt with and made progress on these issues by the time we get to my summer vacation (last week in May). That's 10 weeks from now. Hopefully I can get this back on track, before I just give up entirely.

1 comment:

iamhoff said...

Don't give up. I've had some fugly setbacks this past weekend, up through this morning, but I've got to try and kick my ass into gear. You do too. Make it happen. Big thing, control the portions. No Brazilian meat-fests, and stop with the carbs (my personal crack). I'll try to get a post up tonight, detailing my failures, and what I'm going to try to do to change it. But don't give up! If J and I can find the $$ and time, we'll come out to visit and I'll want to see "less" of you when I do (and I'm sure you feel the same about me!). Good luck!