Thursday, March 12, 2009

Short post from my iPhone. On the way to our kayaking trip. Disappointed to report utter failure on the weight loss/exercise front. Today was my day of reckoning. My January goal was to have lost about 15 lbs by today and be in some semblance of shape. Nope. Today's weigh-in: 198.6. I never did find a handle on either the exercise routine or the eating habits. Well, it is what it is, as my husband says. I'll just have to do what I can this weekend, and start over when we return. I suppose my new goal will be comparable to my previous one, with my summer break as the deadline. *sigh* I'm getting to old for this s#it.

1 comment:

iamhoff said...

Aren't we all getting a little old for this s#it. Keep fighting. If nothing else the weather should be improving out your way (let's face it, it's generally awesome where I am!), which should allow for more outdoor exercise opportunities.