Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I've had an interesting insight into my character. I innocently posted a status on Facebook about writing a book. The status was meant to be funny ("I'm writing a book. So far I have all the page numbers done."), but instead I got a response from a Facebook friend, asking if I truly was writing a book, because he was as well. I had to admit that I was not, and mentioned that I had always wanted to write, but did not have the creativity to come up with anything interesting or original (case in point: the status that started all this actually came from a website listing one-liner jokes, not from my own brain; oh, the irony). He asked if I would be willing to critique his work, and said that he felt the most difficult thing about writing was the soul-baring that occurred, the fact that he had to reveal things about himself as he went. I somewhat jokingly said that perhaps that was why I was never successful as a writer. He then stunned me by replying, "Yes, I've noticed that about you." Just from statuses and comments I've made on Facebook, he has deduced that I am insecure and self-deprecating. And he's certainly not wrong. But it's pretty rattling to be told this by someone whom you've never met. Makes me wonder if I need to reevaluate my FB style. Not sure if I want to delve deeper than that.

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