Sunday, May 10, 2009

Just a quick note; nothing really significant to add, but I wanted to get this on the internet so it's recorded for posterity.

I weighed in at 193.4 this morning.

This pretty much proves the theory I've been developing: for me, it's almost all about the food. I didn't work out yesterday, but I did eat much less than I often do on weekends: bowl of cereal, small sandwich for lunch, grapes as a snack, small bowl of pasta for dinner. No in-between snacking (other than the grapes), no desserts, relatively small portions. Despite not working out yesterday, I end up recording my lightest weigh-in of the year.

This is good to know, as I am approaching the "dangerous" time of the year: summer time, when I am home from school and have no real day-to-day schedule. When sitting around at home, I often find myself snacking because I have nothing else to do (or nothing else that I WANT to do), and that is where I get into trouble. While I might consume a regulation number of calories during my actual mealtimes, I probably double those calories each day by snacking.

Obviously I'm not going to reach any of the weight loss goals I had at various points of the year by the deadline I had given myself (originally it was to be down to 160 lbs by the end of school, which is in 12 days; then I revised it to 175 lbs by the same date), so I need to rethink my goals and my deadlines.

Now I'm rescheduling my deadline for the end of the summer--our school year is supposed to start up again the 12th of August. That's just over 13 weeks from now. As for the goals, I guess I'll stick with the most realistic I can devise. While I'd really love to drop some major weight over the summer, I find it more likely that I will drop some weight. I'm going to shoot for a pound each week, for a total loss of 13 lbs. That means, if I'm at 193 right now, I'll be at 180 by the end of the summer. While that is still 20 lbs above what I would ultimately like to weigh, it will be a tremendous improvement over what I am now.

So, that's that. Now, since it's Mother's Day, a message to whatever readers might be out there: Appreciate your mom, treat her well, and hug her every opportunity you can. On this, the third Mother's Day without my mom, I can only sit and remember all the times I didn't do those things, and wish for one more chance.

1 comment:

iamhoff said...

Yeah, I think about the same things. Sigh.

As to the weight, the best thing I've found is to make the goals small and obtainable. A pound a week should be very easy to achieve (says the guy who's been yo-yo-ing for the past several years), but generally success breeds success. My failures have come after success, when I've thought that "hey, I've lost enough weight, I can go to the Chinese buffet without worrying too much," and the snowball begins rolling.

Your big problem is going to be the summer, when you're home alone with a talking refrigerator. It will be difficult, but try not to have too much snacky stuff sitting around, and try not to do too much in the way of activities that encourage you to snack (like me with reading). If you're going to do any of those types of activities, start by chewing a piece of gum or even brushing your teeth. Maybe that will be just enough of a "barrier" to keep you from grazing during the day while watching a movie or something.

Good luck.