Monday, November 03, 2008

A fond farewell to another of my favorite comic strips. Opus was just the most recent face of Bloom County, one of my very favorite comics. Bloom County said "Happy Trails" (the last book) in the late '80s. It came back as Sunday-only Outland, with new characters who were gradually replaced by the old ones. It ended in the mid-'90s. Then in 2003 it showed up again as Opus, with many of the same characters. And now it's gone again, and creator Berkley Breathed claims it's for good this time, as he turns his attention to children's literature. A noble effort, to be true, but I will miss Opus, Bill the Cat, Steve Dallas, Binkley, Portnoy, HodgePodge, Cutter John, Rosebud, and all the other characters. I will put my Bloom County books on the shelf with Garfield, The Far Side, and Calvin and Hobbes, and pray that Bill Amend continues drawing FoxTrot on Sundays for just a little bit longer.

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