Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I was Stumbling through the Internet and tripped upon a series of photos so horrific I must show them here, to freak people out as much as I'm freaked. I've seen these pics before, but I wandered across them again and will probably have nightmares because of them.

Allow me to preface this by saying that I HATE BUGS. I include spiders in the category. I'm not a female typically given to the screaming meemies very often, but bugs will do it to me almost every time. Oh, not every bug; I really like lightning bugs, and lady bugs, and even itty bitty sugar ants are pretty inoffensive.

It's the "icky" bugs I don't like. Anything that stings, bites, pinches...those are the ones I don't like. Well, honey bees are OK. Everything else is out.

I think this all stems from a traumatic incident from my childhood. We lived in northern Arizona, in a pretty rural area. Not too far from our house was a cow field and pond where we would all play. One evening my brother came home from an afternoon of playing with his friends in the field. My brother went and showered, leaving his clothes hanging in the bathroom. A little while later I went into the bathroom. As I walked through the doorway, I thought I saw a big piece of fat rusty-colored yarn laying along the wall. I didn't really notice it again until I went to walk OUT of the bathroom, and noticed the yarn was WALKING TOWARDS ME. This is what it was:

This had apparently been ON my brother's clothing, and had dropped to the floor while he was showering. Let me say that again: it was ON MY BROTHER. Oh dear God.

Needless to say, there was some screaming and leaping into the sink. My brother came running, but he was barefoot. My mom ran to the rescue, but she had sandals on. My dad came in, and when he stepped on the centipede it stuck out from under the front and back of his foot. That might give you an idea of how long the bug was. The horror.

Even worse is the fact that the monster centipede was not alone. At the same time I was sitting in our bathroom sink and screaming, my brother's best friend was sitting at the dinner table at his home when suddenly his mother went crazy, slapping at him and dragging from his chair. She opened the back door and tossed him out, smacking at him frantically. It wasn't until then that they realized she was slapping at the humongous centipede that was crawling up over his shoulder. Let me say that again: it was crawling up OVER HIS SHOULDER. I want to scream just thinking about it.

Anyway, ever since then, I have hated bugs. Really the more legs, the less I like it. So spiders are pretty high on the list of yuckiness.

So imagine my emotions upon seeing this series of photos:

Oh sweet Jesus. I cannot even IMAGINE how I would feel if I came home and saw those legs sticking out from beneath my clock. Heck, I'm looking at my clock now every few minutes just to make sure those legs AREN'T hanging out.

Supposedly this is a huntsman spider, and it's pretty common in places like New Zealand and Australia. All the more reason for me to NEVER go there.

The only entertaining part about these pictures is one of the comments left on the website where I found the photos. It reads, "I woulda removed the clock.. not by taking it off the wall, but by setting my house on fire and never living anywhere near that location ever ever again." I think that's about right. I don't want to live anywhere that has big f*%&$^# spiders like that. It's bad enough I live in the South, where all the bugs bite, sting, and pinch anyway.

OK, I'm headed to bed. May as well take some NyQuil to try and stave off the nightmares. Urk.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

So, I've had a day to think about the Knight Rider movie that was on this past weekend. I was an avid fan of the original TV show (didn't we late 70's-early 80's kids have the COOLEST TV shows ever?) with The Hoff. Nothing was more awesome than that Trans Am, by golly. I even got to sit in it at Universal Studios. Way cool.

Anyway, the new version is...interesting. Probably a bit better handled than the other recent remakes of 80's TV. Don't get me wrong; I really like the new Battlestar: Galactica, but it's a whole different animal than the original. Much more serious; not nearly as much lighthearted humor. Very dark. A kickass show, but very different. And I did watch a few episodes of the ill-fated Bionic Woman. I actually kind of liked it, but again, much darker than the original. Don't know why it didn't make it. Haven't seen the Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, but I've heard it's pretty good.

So I watched Knight Rider with baited breath. Could I accept that the new KITT was a Ford Mustang and not a Pontiac Trans Am?

HELL YES I could, just as well as I handled Bumblebee as a Chevy Camaro instead of a Volkswagon Bug in Transformers.

Sure, I was a little taken-aback at first; I mean, how could they mess with the original? But then I watched the show. Damn, if that Mustang isn't SWEET. I mean, DAMN. And how cool is the indestructibility of the car? Pretty freakin' awesome--in the original show, it was a special coating on the car; in the new version, it's nanotechnology at its finest.

Oh sure, it's all about product placement. I know Ford paid big bucks to get KITT into the family, just as GM paid handsomely to get all the Autobots to be GM products (and did you notice that Barricade, the evil Decepticon police car, was a Ford Mustang? Ha ha, GM people, funny!).

But the Knight Rider of new is better-connected to the Knight Rider of old. Essentially, after 25 years, the FLAG Foundation arm of Knight Industries is reorganizing to fight crime and injustice, and conveniently the new driver of KITT (Mike Traceur) is the son of Michael Knight, allowing for a nice cameo for The Hoff at the end of the show.

When do episodes begin airing? Not sure. But I will definitely watch, for now, and hope it develops into a solid show. That car is too freakin' cool to pass up. I want one. And I will park it right next to my Bumblebee Camaro.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

I can't help it...I'm addicted to LOL stuff. I love the critters of I Can Has Cheezburger. And I love Star Trek. So what could be better than LOLTrek?

Monday, February 11, 2008

There are times when a battle between two sports teams becomes the most meaningless thing in the world. Last night was one of those times.

During the third period of the Florida Panthers-Buffalo Sabres hockey game, one of the Panthers was knocked to the ground, and as he fell his leg flew up and his skate blade struck the neck of his teammate, Richard Zednik, cutting Zednik's carotid artery. Zednik managed to skate to the bench, leaving a trail of blood.

Zednik was helped off the ice and all the medical personnel in the building rushed to his aid, while his teammates, the opposing players, and the fans stood around in stunned silence for about fifteen minutes. Thankfully, they received the news that Zednik had been stabilized and was being transported to the hospital. The packed crowd in the arena, Buffalo's ice, gave the news a rousing standing ovation. Zednik has since undergone surgery on his neck and is reported to be in stable condition in intensive care.

Despite the posturing, and the rowdiness, and the bantering and insults that often are associated with sports, no true sports fan EVER wants to see a life-threatening injury to a player, no matter how much they might jokingly call for one. I certainly have called for the heads of various athletes over the years, but never have I truly wished for something terrible to happen. The Buffalo fans showed their class by rejoicing over the news that Zednik was being helped. Those are the truest fans of all: those who love the game for the game itself, not for any violence or injuries that might come along with the game.

I am not a Panthers fan, but I am certainly rooting for Richard Zednik today.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Mr. Imperfect.


Sunday, February 03, 2008

Random thought for the day:

And that being said, I'd like the Giants to beat the crap out of the Patriots today. Go Giants!